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“We have a reputation for quality and service in high-end real estate. Costa Rica has world class luxury homes located from the capitol city to the tropical beaches and resorts. We are continuing to grow with that in mind,” says Robert Davey, president of Plantación Properties in Costa Rica.

Robert, who moved to Costa Rica from Newport Beach, California in 1990, started as a real estate developer and came to Costa Rica to do just that; he soon found himself in land and home sales and eventually Robert bought out a well-established realtor to form the company he has today.


Tell us about how technology has changed your business.

ROBERT: Costa Rica really took off because of the Internet and the improved communications that came with it. Our marketing strategy over the last few years has been more Internet based, with some advertising in carefully chosen magazines (as opposed to the heavy print campaigns of the past). The Internet has been very influential because our business here is truly international. From my ‘office in the jungle’ (jungle being all of Costa Rica) I can reach our client base and connections all over the world. It’s so much easier and more affordable.

What is the profile of buyers interested in Costa Rica? What is the lifestyle like?

ROBERT: Our buyers are international and sophisticated; early retirees, high net worth individuals, celebrities and professionals just looking for an alternative cultural lifestyle. The climate is perfect with an average of 85 at the beaches and 75 in the city and mountain areas. People are looking for an active lifestyle. They like to exercise and eat healthy. Costa Rica is perfect for those who seek an outdoor active workout with hiking, mountain biking, stand up paddle boarding, yoga, Pilates and everything you can do outdoors where you don't need a gym. The local markets have fresh fish and vegetables, friendly service and affordable home staff who become like family because of the loyalty and friendships you make. It’s very affordable to live here with a staff so young families love it. It’s very cultured and wholesome. We have international private schools, with students from 20 different countries. We’ve had record enrollment year after year.

Tell us what you like about the place you live and work in? What is your lifestyle like in Costa Rica?

ROBERT: I have an active lifestyle filled with water and land sports. I travel, (Architectural trips to Europe and South America); I’ve been a surfer since before grade school. Costa Rica is central to everywhere people want and need to be. I have a son 18 months and two daughters, 18 and 24 years old. We love kids and are very family-oriented. Costa Rica is very family oriented.

How do you think your colleagues/competitors in the business see you?

ROBERT: After being in the business for 24 years, I’m the senior real estate broker in the country. The professional community is tight-knit. You know everyone. We are THE go-to group for high-end real estate.

Leverage Global Partners is honored to have Robert Davey and Plantación Properties as our partners in the network.

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